Friday, June 10, 2011

Blessed Beyond Words

Its interesting to me that one day you can be alone in the world, and the next day you can spend everyday from that moment on with your best friend. Sometimes when were just spending time together it hits me that i married the man i fell in love with from the moment i saw him. The journey that we have been on thus far is incredible and i wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. The simple moments like Isaiah falling off the bed in the morning makes life a million times better.
Yesterday I was thinking about how insane it is that who you marry literally determines the rest of your life. If i would have married someone else, and he would have married someone else, life would be completely different. I'm so grateful that i was able to follow my heart and begin something great with the perfect guy. I never thought that i would be completely content with spending all of my time with one person, day in and day out, but i wouldn't have it any other way. You could maybe say we have some attachment issues... but maybe we're just that in love.